
Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Ava's Dance Recital

This spring, Ava performed in her fourth dance recital. She switched to a new studio closer to our house this year (so I could manage to take her on a weekday after work since soccer now takes up our Saturday mornings #workingmomproblems), and we have been very happy with the move.

While she was in a ballet/tap combo class, they just performed a ballet number. The dance was set to the music of Peter and the Wolf, and it was precious!

So was our little ballerina...

Ava had many adoring fans in the audience. 

Ava had several sweet friends from school who also performed, and they all did so well!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Spring Soccer

This spring, the Elefantes and Sparklers were back for another season of soccer. Despite the lack of organization on the part of the YMCA as well as all the crazy weather that caused lots of cancelled/postponed games, the kids had so much fun and both really improved over the course of a couple months. 

Rylan's sweet preschool team was able to keep five kids on the field during the games this time around (for the most part), but there was still all the hilarity that comes with a bunch of three and four-year-olds attempting to play a team sport. God bless their coach.

And although I am totally biased, Rylan was a superstar out there. I mean, for a three-year-old these moves are pretty impressive [although I didn't capture many on video, he scored at least two goals each game]...

Ava's kindergarten team was equally as fun to watch this year, and they are all turning into such little athletes. 

The girls had a (long and hot) double-header the last weekend of the season, and one of the moms captured these cute photos. 

Ava scored her first goal in a game, and I don't know if I've ever been more proud. Of course I didn't manage to capture it on video, but let's just pretend it was during this play.

Love this sweet and silly group of girls so much! Huge shout-out to our wonderful coaches as well. 

These little soccer players had so much fun, and they can't wait for the next season.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Disney On Ice

For Ava's birthday this year, Grampsie and Nana bought us tickets to Disney On Ice. After waiting patiently for a couple months to cash them in, it was time for the big event. 

The birthday girl donned her favorite princess costume for the occasion. And of course we shelled out a pretty penny for some light-up accessories.

As well as the classic sno cones and cotton candy.

The theme of this show was "Dare to Dream," which included performances by the classic Disney characters as well as from Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Rapunzel, Frozen, and Moana

Frozen and Moana were definitely the biggest hits, along with Rapunzel's mesmerizing "hair" dancing using fabric attached to the ceiling. 

We had great seats, the kids absolutely loved the show, and it was a wonderful birthday present (I love experience gifts). 

Also, in case you were wondering, they do serve adult beverages at Disney On Ice :).

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Stonewall Palooza

Each year our elementary school hosts an auction fundraiser, and this year's theme was "Stonewall Palooza," a music festival inspired event. 

I was part of the auction committee and specifically helped with soliciting donations. It was a wonderful way to get to know other Stonewall moms while raising lots of money for the school. 

The Haynsworths were kind enough to invite us and some other friends to join their table at the auction. We met up before the event and headed to the Hard Rock together. 

One of the things auctioned off are parties hosted by Stonewall families. We joined up with some friends to host a murder mystery party, and Julia created this awesome poster.  
It was on display at the event, and our party sold out so fast. (Now we just need to figure out how to host a murder mystery party.)

As Kindergarten parents, this was our first auction to attend, and it was so much fun!

The Sparkler moms (minus Heather and Lauren). Love these ladies!

 We had zero drinks that night ;).

