
Friday, October 27, 2017

Port O'Connor 2017 | Part Two: Dolphin Point Olympics

In addition to lots of fishing and beaching during the POC trip, we clearly carved out some time for our annual Dolphin Point Olympics. 

Before the games began, the teams got suited up for battle. 

And Hannah and Jordan's costume was extra special....


Here is the video of the big reveal (I was in on it, so I quickly switched from photo to video mode). It is priceless! 

The first round was trivia, and Ava helped keep score.

We finished the rest of the games the following night...

And Team Boogie (aka Sara and Stephen) took home the gold.

They dominated.

Team Shep will be back for revenge next year :).

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Port O'Connor 2017 | Part One: The Fourth, Fishing, and Fun

I am so behind on my blogging, and am going to do my best to catch up over the next couple weeks...starting with a recap of our annual family trip to Port O'Connor. 

This year, we headed down to the coast for the long Fourth of July weekend. Grampsie and Nana, all my sisters, and Jordan and Steven were in attendance as well. We had so much fun (despite Rylan's epic three-year-old-ness and lack of sleep), and it is such a wonderful place to spend the holiday weekend!

The kids loved the firework show on Saturday night.

This red, white, and blue cheeseboard was created due to my love of holidays, themes, and cheeeeeese.

In addition to celebrating the holiday, there was lots of fishing, boat-riding, and beaching to be had during our stay in POC.

[Tiniest hermit crab ever!]

We also spent a good amount of time just hanging around the house. 

There was also some occasional sleeping. Although not so well for mama, since a certain three-year-old insisted upon taking over my side of the bed most of the time.

And for the first time this year, my Dad arranged for some of the crew to go out on a shrimp boat for the day. I hung back at the house with the kids (and wasn't mad about it...they were out on the water for a looooong time!), but they had such a great time playing Forrest Gump for the day. 

After their adventure, Sara and Steven cooked all the shrimp and crabs they caught. It was delicious!

Up next, Part Two of our trip, which includes a Dolphin Point Olympics recap as well as Hannah's fun announcement :).