
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas 2012 - Part Two

After visiting my family in Austin, Josh's parents made the trek up I-35 to celebrate Christmas and New Year's with us in Dallas. 

Before we headed over to Tori and Todd's house for Christmas brunch, Ava finally got to open her stocking and a few gifts from us (we didn't want to drag them down to Austin). I have always loved stocking stuffers, and it was so much fun to fill Ava's for the first time!

Ava was very curious about her stocking. And she made sure to point out the doll's eyes.

I really love the little doll. It is from Whole Earth (like most of her stocking stuffers), and it is made of all natural materials. It also has brown hair and blue eyes just like Ava :). 

She had fun pulling everything out of the stocking. 

"Look, Dad. I got some ducks!"

She also got some new Toms...

Some fuzzy socks just like Mom's...

Some ABC blocks...

And these fun "flashcards."

But I think her favorite was her new Wubba. Not a surprise. It was put to use immediately.

Ava with all her stocking loot...

Grammie and Papa also gave Ava a bunch of fun bath toys as well as this awesome activity cube

(I used the macro lens my Dad let me borrow to take these fun close-up shots.)

After a little nap, we all headed to Tori and Todd's, and Ava had so much fun playing with her cousins...and their toys. 

(Kate asked that I dry off the baby kangaroo after Ava slobbered all over it. Ha!)

Ellie, Kate, and Jack all got some super fun digital cameras made especially for kids...and they really work! They had so much fun trying them out.

Jack also really liked the "wobe" we got him :).

Ava had such a fun day, and she loved crawling all around the house.

She also really wanted to play with the dogs outside.

And she got in some snuggle time with her Daddy.

Such a sweet baby girl!

 And such a wonderful Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. I love all the stocking stuffers from Whole Earth! That store is so fun...I love their kids' toys, books, and games section and can easily spend hours in there! I saw those dolls, love love love them!
