Just like the first month (and as I suspect all months will be going forward), Ava's second month flew by! By her two-month birthday, she really seemed more like an infant and less like a newborn, which is good and bad :).
Ava was still super alert and didn't sleep a ton during the day. However, I can't complain too much because by about seven weeks she would sleep anywhere from 6-8 hours during the night before eating and going back to sleep for another hour or two! By the end of the month, we also established an afternoon nap in her crib. The first couple days, Ava only slept for about 30 minutes, but she was soon sleeping for longer stretches. She sometimes shocks me and sleeps for up to three hours during her nap...which is glorious!!
Here are the pictures from her monthly photo shoot. She was too distracted by her hands, my camera, and the dogs to smile, but I still managed to get some cute ones.
Not only did she not want to smile, she decided to frown a bit :).
She thinks her hands are so cool.
Here is Louie trying to distract her :).
Mom, is that you behind the camera?
Woohoooo....two months old!!
I'm over this photo shoot!
Two-Month Stats:
- 13 pounds, 9 ounces
- 24 inches long
- Greater than 95th percentile height and weight!
Ava still likes everything she did from last month, but there are a few additions:
- Going on walks. She usually falls asleep pretty quickly.
- She loves her playmat! The rotating rhino and birds really make her smile :).
I love this video of her smiling at them!
- She no longer hates getting her diaper changed. Rather, she likes talking/smiling at me when she is on the changing table.
- Waiting for her bottle to be made. Once she is hungry, this girl wants to eat very quickly!
- Ava's head/neck are so strong and she can hold her head up for a long time when she does tummy time...whether on her mat or her Daddy's chest.
- Ava discovered her hands and loves to stare at them!
- "Talking" - Ava coos and makes all kinds of fun noises when you talk to her. She is quite the conversationalist :).
- She can hold on to a toy when you put it in her hand.
- Taking an afternoon nap in her crib.
- She likes to "hold" her bottle.
Funny/Random Tidbits:
- She still snorts when she gets really upset, and I also love it when she sticks her lower lip out when she is sad. I haven't managed to get a picture yet, but it is too cute!
- When she is really tired, Ava sometimes acts like she is still eating after she is done with her bottle. Just like in this video:
And finally, some of my other favorite pictures from last month...
All dressed up for her first lunch out (we got a quick bite to eat at Rusty Taco, and she slept the whole time!).
Bunny, Grampsie, and Aunt Hannah each came to Dallas for visits last month.
Look how long her eyelashes are!
Her birthday card for Bunny.
My little cupcake :).
Ava looks so much smaller when her Dad is holding her.
She is too precious for words!