
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Back to Work

Today is officially the last day of my maternity leave. While I love my job and am ready to get back into the swing of things at the office, I am really sad that I will have to spend so much time apart from my precious baby Ava during the week. I am very grateful to have had 12 weeks at home with her (I feel so bad for the moms out there who don't get as long), but she still seems so little and it will be a tough transition. 

To help with this transition, I took Ava to daycare both Tuesday and Thursday the last two weeks. This was not only to get me ready emotionally, but also to figure out how long it would take to get her ready and out the door each morning. I highly recommend this to other moms going back to work. 

Here is a picture of Ava as I dropped her off the first day. She didn't look too pleased :). 

And look at the cute sign above her crib.

I cried for about 30 minutes after I dropped Ava off the first day of daycare, and I am honestly crying as I write this post. Nevertheless, I am confident that she will be in good hands, and we will still get to spend a lot of quality time together every day....but I should probably wear waterproof mascara to work for the next couple weeks :).

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