
Monday, April 9, 2012

Tornadoes, Shots, and a Fussy Baby...Oh My!

Last Tuesday was Ava's two-month birthday, and it was quite the eventful day! She was scheduled for a doctor's appointment at 2:30, but a huge storm rolled in about an hour before we had to leave. The storm not only brought thunder, lightening, rain, and hail, but also several tornados to the metroplex. Here are some images from the crazy storm...

When the sirens went off near our house, Ava, the dogs, and I hid in the closet under our stairs.

Ava didn't seem too upset by the whole situation :).

After the storm passed, we finally made it to Ava's doctor's appointment. Everything went well (more to come on that in her two-month update post), but the poor thing had to get three shots. She screamed for a few seconds, but she calmed down once I picked her up and gave her a pacifier.

Look at her poor little legs...

She ate right when we got home and then slept for a while. However, the rest of the night was really hard. Ava would scream bloody murder, but wouldn't eat anything, and then she would finally pass out...but she would only sleep with one of us holding her. It was so sad because you could tell how bad she felt.

She felt a little better by midnight and fell asleep for the night. However, Ava still wasn't back to her normal self for a couple days. Hopefully the four-month shots won't be as hard on her!!

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