I'm not going to lie, the first couple weeks at home with a newborn are very hard! The sleep deprivation is especially tough. However, every time I look at this precious face, it is all worth it.

The snuggling is pretty wonderful as well :).

My Mom (aka "Bunny") stayed with us for the first week, which was extremely helpful!! It was really sad to see her go, but she has been back for a few visits since :).
Here is Bunny helping Ava with her Tummy Time.

During the first two weeks, Ava wanted to eat roughly every two hours, and sometimes more often...she really likes to eat! Luckily, even though she woke up often to eat at night, Ava definitely knew the difference between night and day. At night, she goes right back to sleep once she eats, which is wonderful! Also, even though she slept during the day like any newborn, she was a very alert baby (which meant less naps for her Mom).
Some more pics from our first two weeks...

This is Ava's "Jersey Shore" picture...notice the hair and the fist bumping :).

Here she is on the way to her two-week doctor's appointment. She was 9 pounds, 5 ounces and 21 3/8 inches long (90th percentile in both height and weight). The doctor said she looked great!

Overall, the first two weeks were a complete blur, and the fact that I am a Mom was (and still is) very surreal! I can't wait to see this little girl grow up, but I am determined to enjoy every stage and age.
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