As much as I wish we were able to live in Austin, unfortunately that is not the case. Nevertheless, I will try to take Ava down to visit my family as much as possible. And when we win the lottery, we can buy a lake house there :).
Ava made her first trip down to Austin just after her one month birthday. The trip was especially fun because Ava got to meet lots of family members for the first time, including her Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Jesse.
Both of them teared up when they met Ava. It was so cute!

My Mom also had a bunch of my aunts, uncles, and cousins over for dinner so they could meet Ava. I only managed to take one picture that night, of Ava and my Aunt Laura. She loved holding her and even came back later in the week for another visit :).

My favorite moment of the week was when we took Ava to meet her great grandmother, my Mimi. It was so special, and I will always treasure these pictures.
Look how proud Mimi looks :).

Me, Ava, Mimi, and Charlotte.
Four generations! As Mimi put it when Ava was born, "her baby girl's baby girl had a baby girl" :).

Ava also got to spend a lot of time at Grampsie and Nana's house.

I love this picture of Ava snuggling with her Aunt Bee.

In addition to hanging out with her aunts, Ava got to meet my Uncle David and his wife Bambi as well as Sarabeth's boyfriend, Stephen. He looks like a natural :).

During our trip, Ava also got to meet Lauren, her brother Brian, and her Mom.

Lauren and I also took Ava over to our friend Jennie's house for a playdate with her adorable son Levi. Ava had another playdate in Austin with my friend Madeline, who grew up down the street from me, and her sweet daughter Lucy. Ava was quite the social butterfly :).
We are going to make another trip down to Austin in a couple weeks to take advantage of the extra time I have to travel during my maternity leave. We will also be making a stop in San Antonio to meet some of Josh's family. I can't wait!
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