August and September were super busy months, complete with a WINOS weekend, a week-long trip to Austin, Lauren's bridal shower in Fort Worth, Ava's first ballet class, the end of my maternity leave, and Lauren and Jake's wedding. Whew!
We also had a lot of other random fun along the way...
Using Parqer, a super cool app developed by one of our friends, to pay for our valet parking after Ava's first mani/pedi.
I don't know what Big Dog had to say, but he certainly had a captive audience.
During my maternity leave, Ava got in some quality time with her cousins.
She loved making mini pizzas with them...a genius idea of Tori's.
The built-in playhouse under the stairs at their new house was also a huge hit.
Silly Jack!
Spending the last day of my maternity leave snuggling (and crying).
My handsome dinner date being a little camera shy.

My Mom found another (genius) use for the Boon grass drying rack.
Just a silly Saturday morning.
My new favorite treat. I could seriously eat the whole box.
Our little swimmer was so proud of her ribbon.
Another first for Ava...a JD's Chippery cookie. Seriously the best cookies ever. I think she liked it.
The little man napping on the couch. (Don't call CPS, he was supervised the whole time.)
Watching Disney's Bears, which Ava loved!
P.S. This picture truly shows how much they look alike.
Sharing a lollipop at Ollie's birthday party (that is a true friend!).
My Mom and Bonnie came in town for a weekend, so Josh and I got to enjoy a date night at The Capital Grille, one of our favorite spots for Restaurant Week. Their Generous Pour event is also amazing.
They also helped us hang the giant chalkboard we got for the entryway.
I love it! But I definitely need some practice at the whole chalkboard art thing.
We transitioned Ava's crib into a toddler bed, which has gone as well as can be expected.
However, she has fallen out of bed a couple times. On one such occasion, we heard a huge thud, and then saw her asleep like this on the monitor after she had half climbed back in...
Rylan having fun at school.

Ava's Doodle Sketch art.

Thanks to John and Erin for the Spurs onesie. Unfortunately, I think he might be a Mavs fan ;).
Baby brother wished he could have some as well.
Ava dancing in puddles (to "Bang Bang").
Enjoying the cooler weather with my blue-eyed baby boy.
Fun at The Lot with Grammie, Papa, and the Lockwoods.
Rylan didn't get to play in the sand, but he still had fun.
Betsy clearly out-ordered all of us. I mean…it's a margarita with a sangria popsicle!
And finally, this series makes me completely melt.