The final weekend during our trip down to Austin in August was a busy one. Josh flew down to join us, and his parents drove up from San Antonio on Saturday morning so Papa could finally meet Rylan.

The kids (and the dads) spent the majority of the time in the pool.
It was such a fun night. And all that swimming completely wore the kids out.
This picture of Henry and Ava kills me. Can you tell she was over the date by this point ;)? (In Henry's defense, it was waaaaay past Ava's bedtime.)
This picture of Henry and Ava kills me. Can you tell she was over the date by this point ;)? (In Henry's defense, it was waaaaay past Ava's bedtime.)
Finally, to round out the weekend, Mimi, Ryan, Laura, and Isabel joined us for lunch at my Mom's on Sunday.
These pictures of Mimi with the kids make me so happy.
These pictures of Mimi with the kids make me so happy.
After a wonderful week in Austin, it was time to head back to Dallas via a ridiculously traffic-filled, six-hour drive. Blerg.
A stop for milkshakes at Health Camp was clearly necessary.
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