We had such a wonderful fall/early winter season, complete with our anniversary and annual State Fair trip, Rylan's baptism, WINOS Weekend, lots of holiday fun, and practically perfect weather. This (very large) photo dump shows all the in-between moments…which are really my favorite.
Our little Elsa.
One of Ava's many Lego creations.
Charlotte and Bru stayed with us after Texas-OU, and we enjoyed a night drinking wine on the porch.
Followed by brunch the next morning.
The fabulous weather has meant lots of time spent outside.
Where there is a will, and a toddler, there is most definitely a way.
The night before Rylan's baptism, Josh and I enjoyed a date night at Josephine House in Austin, complete with a delicious paloma cocktail.
Silly girl.
At the annual Lymphoma Research Foundation fundraiser. These guys clean up real nice.
We celebrated Josh's birthday with martinis and Bond. Shaken, not stirred.
I love this sweet picture of Ava. (What is not so sweet…the fact that she projectile vomited on the couch about an hour after this was taken.)
"It sounds like they are playing so well together." #FamousLastWords
Helping Daddy clean his car.
I am thankful for so much, including my two little turkeys and my sweet husband…who is also a mean chalk artist.

My talents, on the other hand, include making cheese boards and pecan pies.
Thanksgiving at the Lockwood's (poor Kate was sick).
Rylan certainly enjoyed his first real Thanksgiving meal. After finishing everything on his plate, he scavenged for more. (Also, please see the lovely homemade bib.)
Even Elsa needs to nap sometimes.
Snuggled up with Daddy watching football by the fire. Doesn't get much better.
Her room is still a work in progress, but Ava finally got a real big girl bed (and matching bookshelf).
She is a fan.
The way Rylan smiles at Josh. Love.
And this. I can't handle the cuteness.
At Abby's birthday party. The girls were just a wee bit excited to meet Elsa.
Ava "borrowed" my phone one morning, and I found literally 244 photos just like this.
Introducing my Mom and Charlotte to Victor Tangos.
And their fabulous French 75s.
My little Christmas tree at her school presentation.
And with one of her BFFs.
My boys. (photo cred: Av)
Bubble beards make for lots of bathtime fun.
Checking out the fish before Ry's 18-month check-up.
Passing down some favorite things to a sweet friend who just adopted a baby boy.
My loves.
Bubbles + Chinese take-out + fire in the fireplace + PJs + college football + lingering Christmas decorations + kids and Bunny and Nello's house = practically perfect New Year's Eve.
And with that, I have finally posted everything from 2015.