Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Ava - Three Months Old

Ava is such a happy, sweet baby, and she continues to amaze me on a daily basis with how quickly she is growing and learning new "tricks." She is still a great sleeper, and is pretty consistent with sleeping 10 hours a night. Ava will occasionally wake up once during the night, but you can tell it is because she is really hungry, because she gulps down a bottle and goes right back to sleep. She also takes several naps throughout the day, including a long afternoon nap. I am so glad that she is a good sleeper, especially now that I am back at work.

On that note, this month has been quite a transition with my return to work, but everyone is adjusting to our new routine. The first week was a bit rough for me, but it is getting easier. It helps that Ava doesn't seem to mind daycare at all, and her teachers say that she is "such a happy baby" who "hardly ever fusses"...this makes her momma very proud :).

I love the pictures from Ava's monthly photo shoot. This time around, Josh took the pictures while I got her to smile...so she was much less distracted by the camera.

Three-Month Stats:
  • She doesn't have another doctor's appointment until her four-month check-up, but I'm guessing she is somewhere around 15 pounds. 
Ava still loves her playmat, going on walks, her pacifier, and being walked in laps around the house when she is tired, as well as the following new things:
  • Putting her hands in her mouth....constantly!
  • She likes "strumming" her bottle and/or my arm when she eats sometimes. It is so funny. I managed to capture it on video.
  • After Ava is done being burped after a meal, she likes to turn toward me and snuggle for a while. I absolutely love it!

  • Ava loves "talking" to us when she is on the changing table. 
  • This happy little baby doesn't dislike much, but she still doesn't like waiting too long for her bottle once she is hungry :).
Below are all the fun things our smart little cookie accomplished by her three-month birthday:
  • Reaching for/batting/grabbing toys. She loves to grab the animals that hang from her playmat.
  • Laughing....which is one of the best sounds ever! The first time Ava laughed was at her Dad, and it was adorable. I have yet to catch it on video, but hopefully I can soon. 
  • She was even more talkative this past month, and is still the most talkative and smiley when she is on the changing table.
  • Ava can "scoot" around on her tummy now...especially when she wants to go after something...like Louie :). I love this video:
  • She discovered her feet. As my Mimi said upon seeing this picture, "how could she miss them." Haha!
  • We read her first book this month. Brown Bear, Brown Bear has always been one of my favorite children's books, so I thought it would be a perfect first book for Ava. She loved it!

  • Technically, it wasn't until two days after she turned three-months old (so I will mention it in next month's post), but she rolled over from her tummy to her back. It was really fun because she did it for the first time when my Mom and Charlotte were in town, so we all got to see it. We cheered so loud, and you could tell she was really proud of herself.  She also rolls from side to side as well as in a circular motion when she is on her back. We often find Ava in the crib in the morning with her turned completely around in the opposite direction. I managed to get a picture of her turned on her side during her nap :). 

Funny/Random Tidbits:
  • I finally captured her giving me "the lip" on camera. Her sad face is so stinking cute.

Some of my other favorite pictures from last month...

She loves her Daddy :).

Hi. My name is Ava. What's yours?

Enjoying the nice weather outside before it gets too hot this summer.

Chewing on her Sophie toy. She doesn't have any teeth yet, but I'm afraid they will be coming in soon. Betsy said that both Josh and Tori got their first tooth at three months. 

Taking her morning nap on her playmat. I have learned not to wake a sleeping baby :).

Tummy time at Bunny and Nello's house. 

Sitting up like a big girl in her Bumbo chair. 

Ava took a trip to the Dallas Zoo with her cousins. Can you tell she was really excited about the penguins ;).

She loves bath time.

Poor Ava was really tired every day I picked her up during her first full week of daycare. 

But it made for some wonderful snuggles after work :).

We love this precious baby so much!

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About Me

My name is Catherine, but most of my friends call me Cat. I was born and raised in Austin, went to TCU, and ended up in Dallas for law school (where Josh and I met). I decided that being an attorney was not my cup of tea and pursued a career in legal marketing. I am now a mother of two attempting to balance family with a full-time job, which is always an adventure. I love: my sweet babies, handsome husband, very large family, and fabulous friends; trying new restaurants; wine; TCU football; holidays; cooking; The Bar Method; pajamas; Topo Chico; reading; coffee; Central Market; carbs; the beach; mani/pedis; Anthropologie; binge-worthy TV shows and podcasts; trivia; French 75s; Pinterest; cheese boards; The Ticket; dancing; Sprinkles cupcakes; The Texas Rangers; fresh flowers; thunderstorms; naps; Tex-Mex; the Texas Hill Country; porch-sitting; ranch dressing; throwing parties; and my job. I hate: working-mom guilt; snakes; heights; waking up early; ignorant people; stomach bugs; paper cuts; green fruit; snoring; bad hair days; the sound of people eating (Misophonia); scary movies; bad drivers; pulpy OJ; trimming baby fingernails; and Miracle Whip. That pretty much sums it up.


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