Thursday, June 27, 2013

Alice in Wonderland at the Arboretum

Now that I am finally done with all the San Fran/Napa posts, I have a lot of catching up to do...starting with some pictures from our visit to the Arboretum with some friends on Sunday, June 2. 

The Arboretum is featuring an "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" exhibit all summer, and we wanted to check it out before temperatures reached unbearable levels of hotness. Luckily, we picked one of the last cool mornings of the summer. 

We started with a wonderful potluck picnic...

The kids loved running around, and Ava was obsessed with the soccer ball (let's hope this continues...a college athletic scholarship would be very nice).
We finally made it over to the exhibit, which features "four topiary flower houses nestled in the shade of the Pecan Grove depicting the Adventures of Alice, the White Rabbit, Cheshire Cat and the Mad Hatter."

We didn't stay long because it was getting close to Ava's nap time, but I did manage to take a few pictures. 

Such a fun morning!

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About Me

My name is Catherine, but most of my friends call me Cat. I was born and raised in Austin, went to TCU, and ended up in Dallas for law school (where Josh and I met). I decided that being an attorney was not my cup of tea and pursued a career in legal marketing. I am now a mother of two attempting to balance family with a full-time job, which is always an adventure. I love: my sweet babies, handsome husband, very large family, and fabulous friends; trying new restaurants; wine; TCU football; holidays; cooking; The Bar Method; pajamas; Topo Chico; reading; coffee; Central Market; carbs; the beach; mani/pedis; Anthropologie; binge-worthy TV shows and podcasts; trivia; French 75s; Pinterest; cheese boards; The Ticket; dancing; Sprinkles cupcakes; The Texas Rangers; fresh flowers; thunderstorms; naps; Tex-Mex; the Texas Hill Country; porch-sitting; ranch dressing; throwing parties; and my job. I hate: working-mom guilt; snakes; heights; waking up early; ignorant people; stomach bugs; paper cuts; green fruit; snoring; bad hair days; the sound of people eating (Misophonia); scary movies; bad drivers; pulpy OJ; trimming baby fingernails; and Miracle Whip. That pretty much sums it up.


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