Sunday, September 14, 2014

Rylan - Two Months

Rylan's two-month birthday was on August 21 (better late than never on this post). He is the sweetest baby boy and has started to develop quite a little personality. 

Sleeping at night was still a little rough, but we seemed to turn a corner toward the end of the month. But Rylan still likes to take his sweet time eating, usually nursing for an hour at a time and pretty much constantly during his six-week growth spurt...holy jeez that was a rough few days!

God definitely knows what he is doing though, because right around that six-week growth spurt was when Rylan started to smile. And that toothless, dimpled grin is one of the best things in the whole world.

His smile was on display during his monthly photo shoot. Here are some of my favorites (I don't know why his hair looks so red)...

  • Weight - 8 pounds, 1 ounce (less than 5th percentile)
  • Height - 22 inches (10th percentile)
  • Head - 15 1/8 inches (30th percentile)

  • The social smile. Perhaps my favorite baby milestone of all. 

  • Rylan took his first trip down to Austin. 
  • Toward the end of the month, he started cooing and has been talking up a storm ever since. 
  • White noise. Especially the sound of running water. It is amazing how fast he calms down!
  • Having his hair washed. 
  • Sleeping in the Rock 'n Play (we tried to switch him to the crib at one point and it was an epic fail). 
  • Laying on the changing table. It is when he is at his smiliest. 
  • Eating for hours on end. 
  • Tummy time.
  • Getting in his carseat, which is a common occurrence as a second child. 

Some other photos from last month…

Grammie came up for a visit (and was a huge help!). 

He also got to spend some time with Aunt Tori (and his cousins).

Happy baby. 

The poor thing had to get the two-month shots in his tiny little chicken legs. It was heartbreaking. 

But he actually handled it better than Ava did. A little snuggling with Daddy was all it took to calm him down that night. 

Our dapper little fella. 


Rylan loves his big sister.

But it's not always sunshine and rainbows :). 

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About Me

My name is Catherine, but most of my friends call me Cat. I was born and raised in Austin, went to TCU, and ended up in Dallas for law school (where Josh and I met). I decided that being an attorney was not my cup of tea and pursued a career in legal marketing. I am now a mother of two attempting to balance family with a full-time job, which is always an adventure. I love: my sweet babies, handsome husband, very large family, and fabulous friends; trying new restaurants; wine; TCU football; holidays; cooking; The Bar Method; pajamas; Topo Chico; reading; coffee; Central Market; carbs; the beach; mani/pedis; Anthropologie; binge-worthy TV shows and podcasts; trivia; French 75s; Pinterest; cheese boards; The Ticket; dancing; Sprinkles cupcakes; The Texas Rangers; fresh flowers; thunderstorms; naps; Tex-Mex; the Texas Hill Country; porch-sitting; ranch dressing; throwing parties; and my job. I hate: working-mom guilt; snakes; heights; waking up early; ignorant people; stomach bugs; paper cuts; green fruit; snoring; bad hair days; the sound of people eating (Misophonia); scary movies; bad drivers; pulpy OJ; trimming baby fingernails; and Miracle Whip. That pretty much sums it up.


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