At 37-weeks pregnant, I'm official "full-term" this week...crazy!

At my doctor's appointment last week, she estimated that Ava was already at 7.5 pounds! So, the doc is hoping (as am I) that she makes an early arrival...otherwise she could be somewhere around 9.5 pounds on the due date. And seeing as how I weighed 5 pounds and Josh weighed 10 when he was born, I think we all know who will be to blame for that.
Not only do I feel huge at the moment, but I've definitely reached the uncomfortable stage of pregnancy. It is almost impossible to get a good night's sleep...but I guess it is preparing me for life after Ava arrives :).
And although you are never really ready for a new baby, I feel a lot more prepared after last weekend. Not only did I finally get my hospital bag packed, but Josh also installed the car seat.

Can you tell how happy he was to be done :).
Josh also got his "It's a Girl" cigars in the he is ready for the hospital as well :).

I can't tell you how excited I am to meet this little lady. I hope she is here soon!!
Love the cigars!!!! And you are precious pregnant, great to see you guys today!