This Christmas was fun, but also very hectic because I spent most of my vacation time getting our house ready for Baby Ava. But it was very nice to have so much time to "nest" :).
We went down to Austin a couple days before Christmas to celebrate the holiday and attend my sister Bonnie's annual family birthday party at the Dart Bowl. I forgot my camera so I stole these shots of the bowling party from Hannah.

My Aunt Bonnie and my crazy cousins, Tate and Dean.

Dad and Aunt Bonnie.

Such cute pictures of Hannah and Lily with the cousins...

Hannah caught me staring at the belly.

All the Bratton girls + Josh.

And I love this one. Dad and Rhonda ended up using it as their New Year's card picture.

I'm glad there were no pictures captured of my attempt to bowl at 8-months pregnant :). But I actually did pretty well!
We came back up to Dallas to spend Christmas with Josh's family. It was really nice to have Christmas at our house for the first time. I can't wait to spend Christmas mornings here with Ava in the future.
We had Christmas dinner at our house, which was quite eventful with twin two-year olds and a nine-month old. It was also very entertaining watching them open all their gifts.
The girls got a couple baby dolls.
Ellie named hers "Patty."

And some large legos.
And they loved the robes we gave them!

They also loved their pillows from Grammie and Papa.
Even Jack liked unwrapping his gifts.

And this is just a cute pic of Uncle Josh with Jack.

I can't wait to celebrate again next year...and it is hard to believe that Ava will be about 11 months old at that point!
It is crazy to think that next year there will be 4 kids and 3 little dogs running around!