A week after my lovely shower in Dallas, I headed down to Austin to celebrate with friends and family down there.
My fabulous friend Lauren and her Mom, Debbie, my Aunt Laura, and my Mom all hosted a wonderful shower for Ava at the Wilder's house.
All the decorations were so cute, and the food (thanks, Mom!) was delicious!
Look at the fun mini Christmas tree decorated with baby stuff...
And look at all the fun gifts for Miss Ava...
Sarabeth had to leave early to go to work, so I opened hers first. She got Ava a fun playmat. And evidently she was explaining something about it in this picture.
Speaking of Sarabeth...what on earth was she doing in this picture?!
Anyway...back to the gifts...Ava got lots of cute clothes.
Like these PJs.
A pink tutu from Lauren and Debbie. What little girl doesn't need a pink tutu?

And this hilarious onesie from my sister Charlotte, who couldn't be there because she is currently a Freshman at College of Charleston. If you can't read the onesie, it says "If you think I'm cute you should see my Aunt" :).
Ava also received several wonderful blankets, which will come in quite handy during our cold winter. This one was from her Aunt Lily.
And speaking of Lily, my baby sister is way too grown-up now. I can't believe she is going to be a Senior in high school next year!

Several of my Mom's friends were sweet enough to attend the shower...
And one (not pictured above) made two adorable blankets for Ava. Our reactions to finding out the blankets were homemade are priceless.
Thanks to my sister Hannah for taking all the pictures (which means she is not in any of them) and my Mom for taking down all the notes. She took the job very seriously.
And thanks so much to everyone who attended!!

Ava had a great time :).
P.S. Don't judge me for wearing the same dress to both of my showers...my wardrobe is a bit limited these days.

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